meeba, a Waze for travelers
meeba, a new application for travelers provides you with real-time travel information and advice wherever you are, by connecting you to travelers around you. While many services may offer you a platform for booking a flight, hotel or even a tour, meeba lets you know exactly what is happening around you using the knowledge gathered from the travelers who were there before you and those who are with you there now. With meeba you can see who is around you, meet new people, find travel partners, message them and get information from them. meeba has a local board that everyone in your area can see, there you can create and join events, ask questions, get recommendations, buy and sell travel equipment, find out everything that is going on in your area. In meeba you can share your location with people you meet and follow them so that it will be easier to meet with them again. meeba, which was founded and developed by Hatzav & Cnaan Aviv, was released a few weeks ago for download on android devices and already has some users worldwide. The founders are in contact with several companies and organizations for travelers in order to cooperate with them (such as small-world) and are looking for more companies to affiliate/ cooperate with in order to give more value to the users and reach a larger audience. Watch Hatzav our CTO in an interview for ILTV news.
Visit meeba's site for more information.